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Professeur des universités (Université Grenoble Alpes)


Profile picture for user mbaciu

Contact details

Building : Bât. Michel Dubois

Office : E117

Autre lieu de travail

CHU Grenoble Alpes

Tel. : 0476748145

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Scientific disciplines

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Neurosciences cognitives

Domaines de recherche

Neuroplasticité du langage en interaction avec la mémoire, Modélisation neurocognitive multimodale, Réseaux et connectomique, Vieillissement normal et pathologique, Rééducation du langage et aphasie, Intelligence artificielle et neuropsychologie


Neuroanatomie fonctionnelle
Neurologie et neuropsychologie cognitive et clinique
Méthodes de neuro-imagerie fonctionnelle et applications cliniques
Neuroplasticité et neuroréhabilitation

Curriculum vitae

Professor of Cognitive neurosciences at the University Grenoble Alpes and researcher in the LPNC UMR CNRS 5105
Neurologist at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital
Honorary Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France, IUF

Short Vita

I received my MD from the University Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj Romania in 1990 and did residency in Neurology from 1990 to 1995. I completed my education with a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble Alpes) in 1999. I joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at the same university in 2000 and I do my research activity in the Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition (LPNC UMR CNRS 5105) from the Université Grenoble Alpes. I also do clinical activity at Grenoble Alpes University Hospital.

Research activity

I am interested in studying neurocognitive and integrative models of language and memory, in normal population (aging) and neurological patients (cognitive deficits and neurorehabilitation in epilepsy, Rasmussen encephalitis, stroke and neurodegenerative disorders). I use a multidisciplinary approach that combines cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging and statistical learning.

Current supervision

  • Clément GUICHET PhD student Language in interaction with long-term memory and executive functions 
  • Anna BORNE PhD student Inter-cognitive reorganization of brain networks in patients with Rasmussen encephalitis 
  • Taisha DONNELLY PhD Neurofeedback : Corrélats cérébraux et dynamique neuronale du langage interne avec application aux traitement des hallucinations auditives
  • Adeline LACROIX Postdoctoral fellow Participation et qualité de vie des adolescents porteurs de trouble du spectre de l’autisme
  • Célise HALDIN Postdoctoral fellow Intégration sensori-motrice et rééducation de la parole et du language chez des patients avec aphasie non-fluente post-AVC

Research projects

NEUROFEEDBACKCorrélats cérébraux et dynamique neuronale du langage interne avec application aux traitement des hallucinations auditives
REORG: Reorganisation of language and memory in patients with focal epilepsy
L∪M_INTERMOD: Cross-cognitive and trans-cognitive modeling of multimodal biomarkers with artificial intelligence methods. Application to the unified language-union-memory framework (L∪M)
SEMO: SENSORY-MOTOR Integration for speech Rehabilitation in patients with post-stroke aphasia 
BIOMOD: Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to phenotype the neurodegenerative disorders based on multimodal biomarkers  
LANGUAGING: Cerebral correlates of language production in healthy aging
RASMUSSENCognitive neuroplasticity in patients presenting Rasmussen encephalitis, after hemispherotomy

Awards and Honors

2019 : Editor’s Choice award : Roger, E., Petit, L., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Job, A. S., Minotti, L., Kahane, P., & Baciu, M. (2018). The link between structural connectivity and neurocognition illustrated by focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 20(2), 88-98.

2016 : Prix de la Société Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (SOFMER) : Baciu, M., Acher, A., Kauffmann, L., Cousin, E., Boilley, C., Hueber, T., Badin, P., Perrier, P., Fabre, D., Jaillard, A., Detante, O., Perennou, D. (2016). Effect of Visual Feedback on speech recovery and language plasticity in patients with post-stroke non-fluent aphasia. Functional MRI assessment. 31st Congress of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SOFMER), 13-15 October 2016.

2010-2015 : IUF Senior Member
2015-2020 : IUF Senior Member

2008 : Editors’ Choice award : Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Pierre Fonlupt, Philippe Kahane, Lorella Minotti, Dominique Hoffmann, Olivier Bertrand, Monica Baciu. Relationship between task-related gamma oscillations and BOLD signal : New insights from combined fMRI and intracranial EEG. Human Brain Mapping 28:1368-1375.

2013 : Chevalier Ordre National du Mérite
2016 : Chevalier Légion d’Honneur


sur ResearchGate


sur Google Scholar

Main Publications (selection)

  1. Baciu, M. & Roger, E. (2024). Finding the words: how does the aging brain process language? A focused review of brain connectivity and compensatory pathways. TopICS. Topics in Cognitive Science 
  2. Borne, A., Lemaitre, C., Bulteau, C., Baciu, M., Perrone-Bertolotti, M. (2024).   Unveiling the cognitive network organization through cognitive performance. Scientific Reports, 14:11645 
  3. Borne, A., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Ferrand-Sorbets, S., Bulteau, C. & Baciu, M. (2024). Insights on Hemispheric Specialization after Hemispherectomy in Rasmussen's Encephalitis. Rev Neurosci May 16. 
  4. Guichet, C., Banjac, S., Achard, S., Mermillod, M., Baciu, M. (2024). Modeling the Neurocognitive Dynamics of Language across the Lifespan. Hum Brain Mapp 2024 Apr;45(5):e26650. 
  5. Gardette, J., Mosca, C., Asien, C., Borg, C., Mazzola, L., Convers, P., Gal, G., Banjac, S., Baciu, M., Durocher, B., Kahane, P., & Hot, P. (2023). Complex visual discrimination is impaired after right, but not left, anterior temporal lobectomy. Hippocampus. 2023 Oct;33(10):1113-1122. doi: 10.1002/hipo.23569. Epub 2023 Jul 22.
  6. Baciu, M., O’Sullivan, L., Torlay, L., Banjac, S. (2023). New insights for predicting surgery outcome in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. A systematic review. Revue de Neurologie. Jun;179(6):607-629. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2023.02.067. Epub 2023 Mar 30.
  7. Roger, E., Rodrigues De Almeida, L., Loevenbruck, H., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Cousin, E., Schwartz, Jl., Perrier, P., Dohen, M., Vilain, A., Baraduc, P., Diard, J., Achard, S. & Baciu, M. (2022). InLang: Unraveling the functional attributes of the language connectome. Neuroimage. 2022 Nov:263:119672. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119672. Epub 2022 Oct 6.
  8. Borne, A., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Jambaqué I., Castaignede, C., Dorfmüller, G., Ferrand-Sorbets, S., Baciu, M., Bulteau, C. (2022). Cognitive outcome after left functional hemispherectomy on the dominant hemisphere in patients with Rasmussen encephalitis: beyond the myth of aphasia. Journal of Neurosurgery: case lessons, J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2022 Nov 28;4(22):CASE22410.
  9. Dole, M., Vilain, C., Haldin, C., Baciu, M., Cousin, E., Lamalle, L., Loevenbruck, L., Vilain, L., Schwartz, JL. (2022). Comparing the selectivity of vowel representations in cortical auditory vs. motor areas: A repetition-suppression study. Neuropsychologia, Nov 5:176:108392. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108392. Epub 2022 Oct 7.
  10. Roger, E., Attyé, A., Renard, F., Baciu, M. Leveraging manifold learning techniques to explore white matter anomalies: an application of the TractLearn pipeline in epilepsy. (2022). Neuroimage Clinical. Sep 22;36:103209. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103209
  11. InLANG_CERCOG_Data base. E. Roger, L. Rodrigues De Almeida, H. Lœvenbruck, M. Perrone-Bertolotti, E. Cousin, JL. Schwartz, P. Perrier, M. Dohen, A. Vilain, P. Baraduc, S. Achard, M. Baciu (2022), Unraveling the functional attributes of the language connectome: InLang database. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/6XM8N 
  12. Haldin, C., Loevenbruck, H., Baciu, M. (2022). Complementing the speech therapy method with new approaches to speech and language rehabilitation in post-stroke aphasia. Revue de Neuropsychologie 2022: 14 (1) : 43-58. DOI: 10.1684/nrp.2022.0701.
  13. Roger E, Banjac S, Thiebaut de Schotten M, Baciu M. Missing links: The functional unification of language and memory (L∪M). Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022 Feb;133:104489. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.12.012. Epub 2021 Dec 17. PMID: 34929226.
  14. Baciu M, Banjac S, Roger E, Haldin C, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Lœvenbruck H, Démonet JF. Strategies and cognitive reserve to preserve lexical production in aging. Geroscience. 2021 Aug;43(4):1725-1765. doi: 10.1007/s11357-021-00367-5. Epub 2021 May 10. PMID: 33970414; PMCID: PMC8492841.
  15. Roger E, Torlay L, Banjac S, Mosca C, Minotti L, Kahane P, Baciu M. Prediction of the clinical and naming status after anterior temporal lobe resection in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Oct 27;124:108357. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108357. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34717247.
  16. Banjac S, Roger E, Cousin E, Mosca C, Minotti L, Krainik A, Kahane P, Baciu M. Mapping of Language-and-Memory Networks in Patients With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy by Using the GE2REC Protocol. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022 Jan 6;15:752138. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.752138. PMID: 35069148; PMCID: PMC8772037.
  17. Banjac S, Roger E, Pichat C, Cousin E, Mosca C, Lamalle L, Krainik A, Kahane P, Baciu M. Reconfiguration dynamics of a language-and-memory network in healthy participants and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuroimage Clin. 2021;31:102702. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102702. Epub 2021 May 24. PMID: 34090125; PMCID: PMC8186554.
  18. Attyé A, Renard F, Baciu M, Roger E, Lamalle L, Dehail P, Cassoudesalle H, Calamante F. TractLearn: A geodesic learning framework for quantitative analysis of brain bundles. Neuroimage. 2021 Jun;233:117927. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117927. Epub 2021 Mar 6. PMID: 33689863.
  19. Banjac S, Roger E, Cousin E, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Haldin C, Pichat C, Lamalle L, Minotti L, Kahane P, Baciu M. Interactive mapping of language and memory with the GE2REC protocol. Brain Imaging Behav. 2021 Jun;15(3):1562-1579. doi: 10.1007/s11682-020-00355-x.
  20. Roger E, Torlay L, Gardette J, Mosca C, Banjac S, Minotti L, Kahane P, Baciu M. A machine learning approach to explore cognitive signatures in patients with temporo-mesial epilepsy. Neuropsychologia. 2020 May;142:107455. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107455. Epub 2020 Apr 6. PMID: 32272118.
  21. Roger E, Pichat C, Torlay L, David O, Renard F, Banjac S, Attyé A, Minotti L, Lamalle L, Kahane P, Baciu M. Hubs disruption in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. A resting-state fMRI study on a language-and-memory network. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020 Feb 15;41(3):779-796. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24839. Epub 2019 Nov 13. PMID: 31721361; PMCID: PMC7268007.
  22. Roger E, Pichat C, Renard F, Cousin E, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Hot P, Minotti L, Job AS, Kahane P, Trebuchon A, Krainik A, Baciu M. Multimodal assessment of language and memory reorganization: a proof of concept in two patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2019 Oct 1;21(5):411-424. doi: 10.1684/epd.2019.1092. PMID: 31638580.
  23. Kuzovkin I, Vicente R, Petton M, Lachaux JP, Baciu M, Kahane P, Rheims S, Vidal JR, Aru J. Activations of deep convolutional neural networks are aligned with gamma band activity of human visual cortex. Commun Biol. 2018 Aug 8;1:107. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0110-y. PMID: 30271987; PMCID: PMC6123818.
  24. Ramanoël S, Hoyau E, Kauffmann L, Renard F, Pichat C, Boudiaf N, Krainik A, Jaillard A, Baciu M. Gray Matter Volume and Cognitive Performance During Normal Aging. A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018 Aug 3;10:235. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00235. PMID: 30123123; PMCID: PMC6085481.
  25. Roger E, Petit L, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Job AS, Minotti L, Kahane P, Baciu M. The link between structural connectivity and neurocognition illustrated by focal epilepsy. Epileptic Disord. 2018 Apr 1;20(2):88-98. doi: 10.1684/epd.2018.0958. PMID: 29620009.
  26. Hoyau E, Gigleux M, Cousin É, Fournet N, Pichat C, Jaillard A, Baciu M. Effect of social leisure activities on object naming in healthy aging A multimodal approach. Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 2018 Mar 1;16(1):96-105. English. doi: 10.1684/pnv.2017.0715. PMID: 29402757.
  27. Hoyau E, Roux-Sibilon A, Boudiaf N, Pichat C, Cousin E, Krainik A, Jaillard A, Peyrin C, Baciu M. Aging modulates fronto-temporal cortical interactions during lexical production. A dynamic causal modeling study. Brain Lang. 2018 Sep;184:11-19. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2018.06.003. Epub 2018 Jun 15. PMID: 29913316.
  28. Haldin C, Acher A, Kauffmann L, Hueber T, Cousin E, Badin P, Perrier P, Fabre D, Perennou D, Detante O, Jaillard A, Lœvenbruck H, Baciu M. Speech recovery and language plasticity can be facilitated by Sensori-Motor Fusion training in chronic non-fluent aphasia. A case report study. Clin Linguist Phon. 2018;32(7):595-621. doi: 10.1080/02699206.2017.1402090. Epub 2017 Nov 17. PMID: 29148845.
  29. Hoyau E, Boudiaf N, Cousin E, Pichat C, Fournet N, Krainik A, Jaillard A, Baciu M. Aging Modulates the Hemispheric Specialization during Word Production. Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 May 9;9:125. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00125. PMID: 28536520; PMCID: PMC5422531.
  30. Torlay L, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Thomas E, Baciu M. Machine learning-XGBoost analysis of language networks to classify patients with epilepsy. Brain Inform. 2017 Sep;4(3):159-169. doi: 10.1007/s40708-017-0065-7. Epub 2017 Apr 22. PMID: 28434153; PMCID: PMC5563301.
  31. Boudiaf N, Laboissière R, Cousin É, Fournet N, Krainik A, Baciu M. Behavioral evidence for a differential modulation of semantic processing and lexical production by aging: a full linear mixed-effects modeling approach. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2018 Jan;25(1):1-22. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2016.1257100. Epub 2016 Nov 24. PMID: 27883290.
  32. Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Jobard G, Mazoyer B, Baciu M. Multi-factorial modulation of hemispheric specialization and plasticity for language in healthy and pathological conditions: A review. Cortex. 2017 Jan;86:314-339. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.05.013. Epub 2016 Jun 7. PMID: 27321148.
  33. Hoyau E, Cousin E, Jaillard A, Baciu M. Modulation of the inter-hemispheric processing of semantic information during normal aging. A divided visual field experiment. Neuropsychologia. 2016 Dec;93(Pt B):425-436. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.12.027. Epub 2015 Dec 23. PMID: 26724229.
  34. Baciu M, Boudiaf N, Cousin E, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Pichat C, Fournet N, Chainay H, Lamalle L, Krainik A. Functional MRI evidence for the decline of word retrieval and generation during normal aging. Age (Dordr). 2016 Feb;38(1):3. doi: 10.1007/s11357-015-9857-y. Epub 2015 Dec 28. PMID: 26711670; PMCID: PMC5005885.
  35. Baciu M, Perrone-Bertolotti M. What do patients with epilepsy tell us about language dynamics? A review of fMRI studies. Rev Neurosci. 2015;26(3):323-41. doi: 10.1515/revneuro-2014-0074. PMID: 25741734.
  36. Perrone-Bertolotti M, Lemonnier S, Bonniot C, Baciu M. Hemisphere specialisation and inter-hemispheric cooperation during a phonological task: effect of lexicality as assessed by the divided visual field approach. Laterality. 2013;18(2):216-30. doi: 10.1080/1357650X.2011.651142. Epub 2012 Apr 10. PMID: 22489628.
  37. Perrone-Bertolotti M, Dohen M, Lœvenbruck H, Sato M, Pichat C, Baciu M. Neural correlates of the perception of contrastive prosodic focus in French: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Oct;34(10):2574-91. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22090. Epub 2012 Apr 5. PMID: 22488985; PMCID: PMC6870493.
  38. Yvert G, Perrone-Bertolotti M, Baciu M, David O. Dynamic causal modeling of spatiotemporal integration of phonological and semantic processes: an electroencephalographic study. J Neurosci. 2012 Mar 21;32(12):4297-306. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6434-11.2012. PMID: 22442091; PMCID: PMC3948354.
  39. Cousin E, Perrone M, Baciu M. Hemispheric specialization for language according to grapho-phonemic transformation and gender. A divided visual field experiment. Brain Cogn. 2009 Apr;69(3):465-71. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2008.10.001. Epub 2008 Nov 18. PMID: 19019523.
  40. Mainy N, Jung J, Baciu M, Kahane P, Schoendorff B, Minotti L, Hoffmann D, Bertrand O, Lachaux JP. Cortical dynamics of word recognition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2008 Nov;29(11):1215-30. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20457. PMID: 17712785; PMCID: PMC6871193.
  41. Lachaux JP, Jung J, Mainy N, Dreher JC, Bertrand O, Baciu M, Minotti L, Hoffmann D, Kahane P. Silence is golden: transient neural deactivation in the prefrontal cortex during attentive reading. Cereb Cortex. 2008 Feb;18(2):443-50. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhm085. Epub 2007 Jul 7. PMID: 17617656.
  42. Lachaux JP, Fonlupt P, Kahane P, Minotti L, Hoffmann D, Bertrand O, Baciu M. Relationship between task-related gamma oscillations and BOLD signal: new insights from combined fMRI and intracranial EEG. Hum Brain Mapp. 2007 Dec;28(12):1368-75. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20352. PMID: 17274021; PMCID: PMC6871347.
  43. Baciu MV, Watson JM, Maccotta L, McDermott KB, Buckner RL, Gilliam FG, Ojemann JG. Evaluating functional MRI procedures for assessing hemispheric language dominance in neurosurgical patients. Neuroradiology. 2005 Nov;47(11):835-44. doi: 10.1007/s00234-005-1431-3. Epub 2005 Sep 2. PMID: 16142480.
  44. Baciu MV, Watson JM, McDermott KB, Wetzel RD, Attarian H, Moran CJ, Ojemann JG. Functional MRI reveals an interhemispheric dissociation of frontal and temporal language regions in a patient with focal epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2003 Dec;4(6):776-80. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2003.08.002. PMID: 14698719.
  45. Baciu M, Le Bas JF, Segebarth C, Benabid AL. Presurgical fMRI evaluation of cerebral reorganization and motor deficit in patients with tumors and vascular malformations. Eur J Radiol. 2003 May;46(2):139-46. doi: 10.1016/s0720-048x(02)00083-9. PMID: 12714230.
  46. Baciu M, Kahane P, Minotti L, Charnallet A, David D, Le Bas JF, Segebarth C. Functional MRI assessment of the hemispheric predominance for language in epileptic patients using a simple rhyme detection task. Epileptic Disord. 2001 Sep;3(3):117-24. PMID: 11679302.
  47. Baciu M, Rubin C, Décorps M, Segebarth C. Hemispheric language dominance testing by means of fMRI. J Neuroimaging. 1999 Oct;9(4):246-7. doi: 10.1111/jon199994246. PMID: 10540609.
  48. Baciu MV, Rubin C, Décorps MA, Segebarth CM. fMRI assessment of hemispheric language dominance using a simple inner speech paradigm. NMR Biomed. 1999 Aug;12(5):293-8. doi: 10.1002/(sici)1099-1492(199908)12:5<293::aid-nbm573>;2-6. PMID: 10484818.

Chapters and Books

  1. Baciu, M. & Banjac, S. (submitted). Unveiling the Hemispheric Specialization of Language: Organization and Neuroplasticity. Cerebral Asymmetries. Eds. Corballis & Papagno, chapitre
  2. Banjac, S. & Baciu M. (2023). Ouvrage “Evaluation et Prise en charge des troubles du langage” sous la direction de S. Majerus, M. Didic et N. Roseneau. Chapitre “Mécanismes neurocognitifs et de compensation pour la production lexicale lors du vieillissement sain”. DeBoeck Supérieur.
  3. Lœvenbruck, H., Grandchamp, R., Rapin, L., Nalborczyk, L., Dohen, M., Perrier, P., Baciu, M. & Perrone-Bertolotti M. (2019). A cognitive neuroscience view of inner language: to predict and to hear, see, feel. In Inner Speech: nature, functions, and Pathology, Peter Langland-Hassan & Agustín Vicente (eds.), Oxford University Press, chapitre
  4. Gonthier, C., Baciu, M., & Roulin, J.-L. (2018). Approche différentielle et neuroimagerie: l'exemple des différences inter-individuelles en mémoire de travail. In J. Collange, E. Loarer, & T. Lubart (Eds.), La psychologie différentielle au 21ème siècle: nouvelles modélisations et applications (pp. 17-21). Paris, France: Editions Laboratoire LATI. ISBN:978-2-9563911-0-4, chapitre
  5. Perrone-Bertolotti M., Grandchamp R., Rapin L., Baciu M., Lachaux J.P. & Lœvenbruck H. (2017). Langage intérieur. In Pinto, S. & Sato, M. (eds). Traité de Neurolinguistique. Du cerveau au langage. (pp 109-125) Louvain-La-Neuve: De Boeck, chapitre
  6. Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Tzourio-Mazoyer, N., Hoyau, E., Mazoyer, B. & Baciu, M. (2017). Latéralisation hémisphérique du langage: résultats des études comportementales et de la neuroimagerie. In Pinto, S. & Sato, M. (eds). Traité de Neurolinguistique. Du cerveau au langage.  (pp147-167) Louvain-La-Neuve: De Boeck, chapitre
  7. Perrone-Bertolotti M. & Baciu, M. (2016). Organisation et réorganisation cérébrale du langage: approche pluridisciplinaire. Colloque bisannuel de l'ASL (l'Association de Sciences du Langage) sur le thème Sciences du langage et neurosciences, 21 novembre 2015, pp. 23-44, chapitre
  8. Baciu, M. (2012). Plasticité cérébrale du langage et facteurs de réorganisation en "Variations, évolutions, métamorphoses". Les Colloques de l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), pp. 67-91, chapitre
  9. Baciu, M. (2011). Introduction à la Neuroanatomie Fonctionnelle, De Boeck Université. Louvain la Neuve, Belgique, ouvrage
  10. Baciu, M., Cousin, E. (2008). Functional MRI assessment of language plasticity in epileptic patients. In “Some aspects of speech and the brain”, Ed. Peter Lang Verlag, chapitre (M. Baciu éditeur)
  11. Baciu, M., Valdois, S., Kandel, S., Spinelli, E., Cousin, E., Peyrin, C., Lallier, M., Juphard, A., Perrone, M., Soller, O., Alvarez, V., Vallée, N. (2008). Neuropsychology and Cognition of language: Behavioural, neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies of spoken and written language, Ed. Research Signpost, chapitre (M. Baciu éditeur)
  12. Juphard, A., Valdois, S., Carbonnel, S., Pichat, C., Ans, B. & Baciu, M. (2008). Length effects in reading: Evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging data. In M. Baciu (Ed.). Neuropsychology and Cognition of Language: Behavioural, Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies of oral and written language (pp.3-21). Research SignPost, chapitre (M. Baciu éditeur)
  13. Savariaux, C., Vilain, C., Baciu, M., Abry, C., Perrier, P., Lebeau, J., Segebarth, C. (2008). Réorganisation du conduit vocal et réorganisation corticale de la parole: de la perturbation aux lèvres à la glossectomie. R. Jouvent & G. Capouthier "Etudes acoustiques et IRMf. La Cognition réparée?  Perturbations et récupérations des fonctions cognitives". Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, chapitre
  14. Valdois, S., Peyrin, C & Baciu, M. (2008). The neurobiological correlates of developmental dyslexia. In S. Fuchs, (Eds). Some aspects of speech and the brain. Peter Lang Verlag publisher, chapitre
  15. Savariaux, C., Vilain, C., Baciu, M., Abry, C., Perrier, P., Lebeau J., Segebarth, C. (2007). Réorganisation du conduit vocal et réorganization corticale de la parole: de la perturbation aux lèvres à la glossectomie. Etudes acoustique et IRMf. In C. Fuchs (ed.) "Perturbations et récupérations des fonctions cognitives". Paris, Hermès, chapitre
  16. Vilain C., Baciu M., Savariaux C., Lebeau J., Segebarth C., Abry C., Perrier P. (2007). Stratégies de réorganisation cognitive pour la production de parole d'un patient ayant été opéré d'une glossectomie suivie d'une reconstruction linguale: une étude d'IRM fonctionnelle. In Vaxelaire, B., Sock, R., Kleber, G. & Marsac, F. (eds), Perturbations et réajustements, langue et langage. Publication de l'université M. Bloch, Strasbourg 2, pp. 201-209, chapitre
  17. Baciu, M. (2006). Explorarea substratului cerebral subiacent limbajului utilizînd tehnica de Imagistica Functionala prin Rezonanta Magnetica Nucleara. Ed. Iuliu Hatieganu, Facultatea de Medicina si Farmacie, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, ouvrage
  18. Baciu, M., Juphard, A., Valdois, S., Carbonnel, S. & Ans, B. (2006). FMRI evidence for ACV98 connectionist model for reading mono- and multi-syllabic words and pseudo-words. In “Brain mapping and language”, New York: NOVA science publishers, chapitre (M. Baciu éditeur)
Informations complémentaires

Responsabilité actuelle
Responsable du CDT et LabEx Cerveau & Cognition UGA IDEX

Responsabilités précédentes
2020-2023: Co-responsable Programme thématique TransCoG Graduate School UGA
2020-2023: Membre Conseil de développement Graduate School UGA
2019-2023: Membre Comité de la recherche biomédicale et de la santé (CRBSP)
2017-2022: Membre du Comité Scientifique du Comité national de psychologie scientifique
2019-2022: Membre jurys de selection Institut Universitaire de France, IUF
2017- 2021: Co-responsable du programme CDP NeuroCoG UGA IDEX
2012-2020 : Directrice du LPNC UMR CNRS 5105 UGA
2009-2012 : Directrice de la SFR Santé & Société UGA
2008-2012 : Directrice adjointe de l'Ecole Doctorale EDISCE
2008-2012 : Responsable de l'équipe Language & Mémoire du LPNC UMR CNRS 5105
2015-2019 : Membre du Comité Exécutif de la Fondation Neurodis

Submitted on 29 August 2023

Updated on 4 June 2024