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Frequently asked questions

1. Where is the BabyLab?
2. I signed my baby up, when will you contact me?
3. I have several young children. Can I register all of them?
4. What day and time can I come with my child?
5. I cannot make it to the appointment.
6. What if my baby is hungry or sleeping?
7. Will I be separated from my baby?
8. Can my other children come along to the appointment?
9. What happens during a study session?
10. How long does it take?
11. Can I stop at any time?
12. What will happen to the video of my baby?
13. Do you conduct follow-ups on my child?
14. Will you contact me multiple times?
15. I’ve got friends with young children. Can they take part in your studies?
16. Do you reimburse travel expenses to the Babylab?
17. Where can I find information about the results of the study involving my child?


1. Where is the BabyLab?

The BabyLab is located in the St. Martin d’Hères University Campus. You can easily reach us via the B or C tram lines (stop: “Bibliothèque Universitaire”) or by car (see the map here).

2. I signed my baby up, when will you contact me?

We will contact you as soon as a study begins and your child meets the age criteria for that study (3-4, 6, 9, 12 months or older). After signing up on our site, your contact details will be stored securely and will not be

3. I have several young children. Can I register all of them?

Of course! As long as your children meet the age criteria for our studies (that is, they are aged between 2 and 24 months). In this case, please register each one of them separately in our website.

4. What day and time can I come with my child?

As we launch a new study, we conduct study sessions everyday from Monday to Friday. Our schedule is flexible, and we can welcome you from 7:30am to 8pm. We will arrange a convenient time and date for you and your baby to visit.

5. I cannot make it to the appointment.

No worries! We understand that things can come up with little ones. Just leave us a message at our phone number or send us an email, and together we’ll find another time for your visit.

6. What if my baby is hungry or sleeping?

If your baby is hungry, is sleeping, or needs a diaper change... That’s ok! We are used to work with young children and we know that patience and taking time is important. The BabyLab is equipped with a play area, a sofa and a changing table. We will take as much as time as necessary to meet your baby’s needs.

7. Will I be separated from my baby?

No, you will be with your child at all times; they will be sitting on your lap during most of the sessions.

8. Can my other children come along to the appointment?

Yes, they can! Our waiting room is well equipped with many new toys for them to enjoy. In this case, please let us know in advance so that we can ask another researcher to supervise your child while you are taking part in the study sessions.

9. What happens during a study session?

Upon your arrival, we will welcome you in our waiting room and let your child play for a few minutes (we have toys available) to help them get comfortable with us and the new environment. During this time, we will explain the session in more detail and ask you to complete a consent form. We will then begin the session. Your child will sit on your lap, looking at a screen, while we measure the direction of their head and gaze. You are welcome to ask any questions at any time. If your baby  cries or becomes unsettled, we will pause the session and resume it once they are calmer.

10. How long does it take?

Our sessions are very quick and typically last around 10 minutes. However, we make sure to take the necessary time to present our studies in detail and answer any questions you may have. As a result, your entire visit will probably take around 30 minutes.

11. Can I stop at any time?

Absolutely! You can stop the session at any time for any reason - just let us know.

12. What will happen to the video of my baby?

We record the direction of babies’ eyes and gaze. These videos are stored for 5 years for scientific purposes. They are anonymised and kept in a password-protected computer. The videos are not shared with third parties and will be destroyed after 5 years.

13. Do you conduct follow-ups on my child?

No. All our studies are designed to address a specific question at a specific age. They represent a "snapshot" of each child's development at that moment. Additionally, these studies are not medical tests and do not provide information about the abilities of a particular child.

14. Will you contact me multiple times?

Yes, that can happen if your child meets the age criteria for a study we are running. In this case, you will be free to either accept or decline to take part again.

15. I’ve got friends with young children. Can they take part in your studies?

Absolutely! They can also register their baby. Please feel free to share our contact details and website with them.

16. Do you reimburse travel expenses to the Babylab?

Non. Nous n’avons pas les crédits nécessaires pour cela. Nous ne rémunérons pas non plus votre participation aux études.

17. Where can I find information about the results of the study involving my child?

At the end of each study, a summary will be published on our website (here). It will not include the results specific to your child (as the studies are all anonymised), but it will cover the overall findings of the study. You can also call us for more detailed information. For any other questions, feel free to contact us by phone or email; you can find all our contact details [here].

Submitted on 15 November 2023

Updated on 20 September 2024