Welcome to the Grenoble BabyLab !
We are an interdisciplinary and international team of researchers specialised in psychology, cognitive science, psycholinguistics and motor development. Our studies are conducted through local and international collaborations within and outside academia, including professionals in the education, clinical and social sector. You can find out more about our projects in the development and learning team page, find information about our latest results, and read some articles about our studies in the french medias section.
Participating in our studies helps our team advance the scientific knowledge about language development and the perception of faces in young children. Your participation enables us to better understand how babies perceive and interact with their surroundings. Please feel free to contact us by phone or email to sign up or for more information about our ongoing studies!
CNRS Research director
Babylab manager - Grenoble
Mathilde FORT
Maîtresse de conférence
Babylab manager - Grenoble
Join us
04 76 74 81 63
enfanceuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (enfance[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Babylab Grenoble
PhD students
Research assistant
Tested babies