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On the phonological level, as part of the EULALIES and COMOVES projects carried out with the GIPSA-lab, we are developing a battery of tests to evaluate the production and perception of speech sounds in typical children or children with developmental disorders of the speech sounds (TDSP) or deafness. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to helping children with speech sound disorders or hearing impairments to develop their oral and vocal language skills. In terms of language understanding, as part of the UNDERSTAND project, we offer a set of tests evaluating the processing of different linguistic and non-linguistic information (executive functions) involved in understanding oral language. We seek to provide standardized data on the language development of French-speaking children and a tool for the specific evaluation of comprehension processes. In the long term, we would like to be able to propose avenues for speech therapy and neuropsychological interventions based on evidence.
Permanent·es :
Hélène Lœvenbruck, Marie-Ange Nguyen-Morel, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Rachel Zoubrinetzky
Doctorant·es :
Geneviève Meloni, Laura Machart, Lucie Van Bogaert, Claire Boilley
ANR HearCog, ANR Eulalies, H2020 ITN Comm4CHILD, Pôle Grenoble Cognition, IDEX CDP NeuroCog
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