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Inner language, dialogality, agentivity, autonoesis

The Language team's third area of research concerns the metacognitive function of language, which enables the construction of subjectivity and self-awareness over time, or autonoesis.

Permanent·es :

Monica Baciu, Hélène Lœvenbruck, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti


Doctorant·es :

Ladislas Nalborczyk (thèse soutenue le 18 octobre 2019) 


LPNC-Mémoire, LPNC-Vision et Emotion, GIPSA-lab, LIP/PC2S, IRMaGe , CHU Grenoble Alpes, PPL, CRNL, CERILAC, Univ. Ghent, Univ. Ferrara, UBC
Projets InnerSpeech, Aphantasie-LPNC


ANR InnerSpeech, IDEX CDP NeuroCoG

Submitted on 17 November 2023

Updated on 17 November 2023