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Projet Comm4Child

Comm4CHILD is a European consortium implementing an innovative approach aimed at optimising the language skills and social inclusion of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.

Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development
European ITN Horizon H2020 project Comm4CHILD (2019-2023)

Coordinators: Cécile Colin & Jacqueline Leybaert (ULB, Belgium)
In collaboration with : LPNC, GIPSA-lab, KU Leuven (Belgium), MHH (Germany), Univ. Oslo (Norway), Univ. Leeds (UK)

This project focuses on the inter-individual variability of brain plasticity, cognitive resources and linguistic and communicative abilities in children with hearing impairment.
As part of the project, 15 early career researchers (ESRs) are being trained in research into childhood deafness. Their missions are to identify individual variables, target factors that predict language skills and develop new intervention methods.

Lucie Van Bogaert, a doctoral student at the LPNC and GIPSA-lab, is part of this network of ESRs.
Hélène Lœvenbruck is co-responsible, with Anne Vilain (GIPSA-lab), for the "Support and accompaniment of oral communicative skills in children with hearing impairments" axis.

Elodie Sabatier, a doctoral student at ULB who is also a member of Comm4CHILD, is on placement at the LPNC (January-April 2022).

For more information, visit

Pour plus d’informations :
Réseau européen Comm4CHILD


Submitted on 15 November 2023

Updated on 15 November 2023