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Thesis Lise BRUN


From 1 October 2020 to 18 December 2023

Motor metacognition: towards a bridge between cognitive and sport psychology

This thesis will focus on metacognition in the motor domain. This theme is relatively new in the field of metacognition, but we will see that it has already been studied through other terminologies (motor awareness, self-efficacy...), measures (questionnaires, interviews...), and disciplines (cognitive psychology and sport psychology). We can already note a split between the studies coming from cognitive psychology and those coming from sport psychology (or sport science). Indeed, if the studies coming from the sports field have the advantage of being ecological, this character weighs on the quality of the methodology used, the measurements generally not being repeated enough so that the performance on the task can be generalized. Conversely, studies conducted in the non-sport domain have the advantage of using a more precise methodology, but this negatively impacts the ecological character. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages: the ideal would be to reconcile them as best as possible. The objective of this thesis will be to build a bridge between cognitive and sport psychology, by combining a systematic and ecological approach to motor metacognition. This thesis will therefore seek to develop experimental tasks to evaluate these two counterparts of action monitoring, before comparing them more directly. In parallel and at a lesser level, we will develop a neuropsychological component through the study of this process within the developmental coordination disorder. Through these studies, we will attempt to answer two central questions in the study of metacognition, namely (a) the question of general-domain specificity and (b) the question of the formation of metacognitive judgments.

- Céline SOUCHAY - (celine[dot]souchay[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) -
- Aïna CHALABAEV - (aina[dot]chalabaev[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) -
- Estelle PALLUEL  - (estelle[dot]palluel[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) -

Keywords : Metacognition,Judgments,Motricity,


From 1 October 2020 to 18 December 2023



Submitted on 17 November 2023

Updated on 17 November 2023