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The Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition, LPNC, is a joint research unit (UMR) attached to the CNRS (section 26 CNRS INSB and a secondary affiliation CNRS INSHS section 34), and to two universities (UGA and USMB), structured into five thematic research teams (Body and Space, Development and Learning, Language, Memory and Vision and Emotion), as well as a Babylab.
The LPNC has been affiliated to the CNRS since 1978, mainly to the Institute of Biological Sciences (INSB) and secondarily to the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (INSHS).
Our two university supervisory bodies are the Université Grenoble Alpes and the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc.
At the Grenoble site level, the LPNC is affiliated to two research clusters, Human and Social Sciences (SHS) and Chemistry, Biology, Health (CBS), which is justified by the interdisciplinary nature of our activities: psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive and computational neuroscience. Our laboratory plays a central role in several site programmes and federative structures (creation of the Labex CerCog, MIAI Hub 3IA of the UGA in Artificial Intelligence, SFR Santé et Société, GREEN network (GREnoble Excellence in Neurodegeneration) and SFR RMN et Neurosciences of the UMS IRMaGe CHU). We are developing collaborations with Grenoble University Hospital, the Grenoble Academy and industrial partners (the LPNC is a member of the Carnot Cognition Institute).
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