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Thesis defence : Candice FRANCOIS

Thesis defence

On 9 July 2020

Sensorimotor and emotional interaction in purchasing behavior

His thesis proposes new methodologies to measure indirectly and quantitatively the consumer’s emotional components. In a first series of studies, we observed that socio-affective variables influence the perception of space. More specifically, variables such as self-esteem and social anxiety moderate the way individuals perceive width of an aperture. Our results suggest that this type of task could eventually be used to evaluate the socio-affective effect of product usage. In a second series of studies, we analyzed mouse movement when consumers were asked to perform a dichotomous categorization task. This method seems to identify and prioritize certain characteristics related to a brand's identity. These results suggest that this method could eventually be used to predict purchasing behavior. In conclusion, this work proposes new indirect measures, based on sensory-motor variables, for consumer studies.

- Directeur de thèse : Martial MERMILLOD - (martial[dot]mermillod[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
- Co-encadrant : Richard PALLUEL - (richard[dot]palluel[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Keywords: Consumer, Emotions, Decision, Indirect measures, Implicit procedure, Affordances, Mouse-Tracker,

Read the thesis


On 9 July 2020


Convention CIFRE ANRT - Market Vision


Submitted on 20 November 2023

Updated on 20 November 2023