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Use of collected data

The data collected in our studies may include video and/or audio recordings. What happens to this data?

Data importation

We import your child's data onto the Babylab's main computer, which is password-protected. Each video is filed, and each item of information contained in the questionnaire is added to a document listing the participants in our studies, anonymously. This information will not be disseminated under any circumstances and will be deleted within 5 years.

Video and audio coding

The video or audio recordings we have taken with your baby are then analysed. For videos, we capture the time your baby spends looking at certain elements of the screen. For audio recordings, we extract your baby's vocalisations and analyse the characteristics of the sound signal.

Data analysis

We then carry out statistical analyses on the data. We are interested in trends or group results, and statistical analyses are used to detect these trends. This stage can be very long, depending on the study, the number of participants involved, etc.

Scientific publications

Analysis of the data enables us to produce a scientific report on the results of the study, which is then published in scientific journals.

Click to see the results of our latest studies.


Submitted on 18 September 2024

Updated on 20 September 2024