Maître de conférences (Université Grenoble Alpes)
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Bâtiment : Bât. Michel Dubois
Bureau : E114
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Réseaux sociaux :
Réseaux sociaux
Thèmes de recherche
Computational cognitive modeling
Disciplines scientifiques
Discipline(s) scientifique(s)
Sciences cognitives
- Licence MIASHS
- Initiation à l'algorithmique et à la programmation Java (L1)
- Programmation logique (L2)
- Modélisation cognitive computationnelle (L3)
- Master MIASHS, parcours Double Compétence : Informatique et Sciences Sociales (DCISS)
- Mathématiques pour l'informatique 1 (M1 & M2 régime spécial)
- représentations des nombres en machine
- logique
- récurrence et récursivité
- Mathématiques pour l'informatique 1 (M1 & M2 régime spécial)
- expressions régulières (regex)
- automates et grammaires
- ensembles, fonctions, relations
- Mathématiques pour l'informatique 1 (M1 & M2 régime spécial)
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
- 1989-1992 : Thèse en informatique/intelligence artificielle, Université Paris-Sud
- 1993 : Postdoc, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- 1994 : Postdoc, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Stockholm, Sweden
- 1994-1996 : Maître de conférences associé, Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Education, Grenoble
- 1996- : Maître de conférences, Grenoble
- 1996-2004 : Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Education, Grenoble
- 2004-2006 : Laboratoire Leibniz, Grenoble
- 2006-2010 : Laboratoire TIMC, Grenoble
- 2010- : Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition (LPNC)
- Models of mental addition (2021 – now)
- Models of working memory (2012 – now)
- Models of eye movements in reading and information search (2008 – 2018)
- Models of inductive learning (2007 – 2011)
- Models of semantic association (1998 – 2008)
- Models of text comprehension and summarization (2001 – 2006)
- Models of text assessment and educational applications (1991 – 2011)
Models of mental addition (2021 – now)
- Chouteau, S., Lemaire, B., Thevenot, C., Mazens, K. (in press). How Learning Material Shapes Learning Strategies in an Alphabet Arithmetic Task. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
- Chouteau, S., Lemaire, B., Thevenot, C., Dewi J., Mazens, K. (2024). Learning Basic Arithmetic: A Comparison Between Rote and Procedural Learning Based on An Artificial Sequence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 50(3): 418-434.
- Chouteau, S., Mazens, K, Thevenot, C., Dewi, J., & Lemaire, B. (2021). A computational model of counting along a mental line. In T. Fitch, C. Lamm, H. Leder, & K. Teßmar-Raible (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: 2010-2016.
Models of working memory (2012 – now)
- Leproult, I., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2024). Does the extension of free-time trigger spontaneous elaboration strategies in working memory?. Memory & Cognition 52(8), 2022-2052.
- Kowialiewski, B., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2024). Similarity-based compression in working memory: Implications for decay and refreshing models. Computational Brain & Behavior 7:153-180.
- Lörch, L., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2023). A Hebbian Model to Account for Musical Expertise Differences in a Working Memory Task. Cognitive Computation 15:1620-1639.
- Kowialiewski, B., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2022). Between-item similarity frees up working memory resources through compression: a domain-general property. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(11):2641-2665.
- Kowialiewski, B., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2021). How Does Semantic Knowledge Impact Working Memory Maintenance? Computational and Behavioral Investigations. Journal of Memory and Language 117.
- Kowialiewski, B., Lemaire, B., Majerus, S., & Portrat, S. (2021). Can activated long-term memory maintain serial order information? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 28, 1301-1312.
- Lemaire, B., Heuer, C., & Portrat, S. (2021). Modeling articulatory rehearsal in an attention-based model of working memory. Cognitive Computation 13(1), 49-68.
- Kowialiewski, B., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2020). Semantic chunks save working memory resources: computational and behavioral evidence. In S. Denison., M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B.C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1466-1472). Cognitive Science Society.
- Jarjat, G., Hoareau, V., Plancher, G., Hot, P., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2018). What makes working memory traces stable over time ? Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1424(1):149-160.
- Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2018). A computational model of working memory integrating time-based decay and interference. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:416.
- Lemaire, B., Pageot, A., Plancher, G., & Portrat, S. (2018). What is the time course of working memory attentional refreshing? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(1), 370-385.
- Hoareau, V., Portrat, S., Oberauer, K., Lemaire, B., Plancher, G., & Lewandowsky, S. (2017). Computational and behavioral investigations of the SOB-CS removal mechanism in working memory, In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 532-537.
- Plancher, G., Boyer, H., Lemaire, B., & Portrat, S. (2017). Under which conditions can older adults maintain information in working memory? Experimental Aging Research, 43(5), 409-429.
- Portrat, S., Guida, A., Phénix, T., Lemaire, B. (2016). Promoting the experimental dialogue between working memory and chunking: Behavioral data and simulation. Memory & Cognition, 44(3), 420-434.
- Hoareau, V., Lemaire, B., Portrat, S., Plancher, G. (2016). Reconciling two computational models of working memory in aging. Topics in Cognitive Science, 8(1), 264-278. This article is based on the conference paper published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling in 2015.
- Lucidi, A. Langerock, N., Hoareau, V., Lemaire, B., Camos, V., Barrouillet, P. (2016). Working memory still needs verbal rehearsal. Memory & Cognition, 44(2), 197-206.
- Hoareau, V., Lemaire, B., Portrat, S., Plancher, G. (2015). Reconciling two computational models of working memory in aging. In N. Taatgen, M. van Vugt, J. Borst, K. Mehlhorn (Eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 130-135.
- Portrat, S., Lemaire, B. (2015). Is attentional refreshing in working memory sequential? A computational modeling approach. Cognitive Computation, 7(3), 333-345.
- Lemaire, B., Robinet, V., Portrat, S. (2012). Compression mechanisms in working memory. Mathematics and Social Sciences 199, 71-84.
Models of eye movements in reading and information search (2008 – 2018)
- Frey, A., Lemaire, B., Vercueil, L., & Guérin-Dugué, A. (2018). An eye-fixation related potential study in two reading tasks: reading to memorize and reading to make a decision. Brain Topography 31(4), 640-660.
- Mancheva, L., Reichle, E., Lemaire, B., Valdois, B., Ecalle, J., Guérin-Dugué, A. (2015). An analysis of reading skill development using EZ-Reader. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 27(5), 657-676.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2014). A computational cognitive model of information search in textual materials. Cognitive Computation 6(1), 1-17.
- Frey, A., Ionescu, G., Lemaire, B., Lopez Orozco, F., Baccino, T., Guérin-Dugué, A. (2013). Decision-making in information seeking on texts: an Eye-Fixation-Related Potentials investigation, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:39.
- Lopez Orozco F., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B. (2012). Continue or Stop Reading? Modeling Decisions in Information Search, In B. Sharp & M. Zock (Eds) Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, 96-105.
- Lemaire, B., Guérin-Dugué, A., Baccino, T., Chanceaux, M., Pasqualotti, L. (2011). A cognitive computational model of eye movements investigating visual strategies on textual material. In L. Carlson, C. Hölscher and T. Shipley (Eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1146-1151.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2009). A model to simulate Web users’ eye movements. In Proceedings of the 12th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT’ 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5726, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 288-300.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2009). An Information Search Model Integrating Visual, Semantic and Memory Processes. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’09), Amsterdam, 2831-2836.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2009). Evaluer la recherche d’informations sur le web par des simulations cognitives de trajets oculomoteurs. Actes de la 21e conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM’09), Grenoble, 163-172.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2008). Towards a model of information seeking by integrating visual, semantic and memory maps, In B. Caputo, M Vincze (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Cognitive Vision Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5329, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 65-78.
- Chanceaux, M., Guérin-Dugué, A., Lemaire, B., Baccino, T. (2008). Modèle de recherche d’information : intégration de cartes visuelle, sémantique et mnésique. 14e journées d’étude sur le traitement cognitif des systèmes d’information complexes (JETCSIC’2008), Toulouse.
Models of inductive learning (2007-2011)
- Robinet, V., Lemaire, B., Gordon, M.B. (2011). MDLChunker: a MDL-based Cognitive Model of Inductive Learning. Cognitive Science, 35(7), 1352-1389.
- Robinet, V., Lemaire, B. (2009). MDLChunker: a MDL-based Model of Word Segmentation. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’09), 2866-2871.
- Marchal, H., Lemaire, B., Bianco, M., Dessus, P. (2008). A MDL-based Model of Gender Knowledge Acquisition. In A. Clark & K. Toutanova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL’08). Philadelphia: ACL, pp. 73-80.
- Robinet, V., Bisson, G., Gordon, M., Lemaire, B. (2008). Modèle cognitif de l’apprentissage inductif de concepts. Actes du colloque annuel de l’association pour la recherche cognitive (ARCo’08), 22-28.
- Robinet, V., Bisson, G., Gordon, M., Lemaire, B. (2007). Inducing High-level Behaviors from Problem-solving Traces using Machine Learning Tools, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22(4), 22-30.
- Robinet, V., Bisson, G., Gordon, M., Lemaire, B. (2007). Searching for student intermediate mental steps. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Data Mining for User Modeling, 11th International Conference on User Modeling, Corfu, Greece, June 25.
- Marchal, H., Bianco, M., Dessus, P., Lemaire, B. (2007). The Development of Lexical Knowledge: Toward a Model of the Acquisition of Lexical Gender in French. In S. Vosniadou, D. Kayser (Eds), Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Cognitive Science, 268-273.
Models of semantic association (1998-2008)
- Ji, H., Lemaire, B., Choo, H., Ploux, S. (2008) Testing the cognitive relevance of a geometric model on a word-association task: A comparison of humans, ACOM, and LSA. Behavior Research Methods 40(4), 926-934.
- Lemaire B. (2008). Limites de la lemmatisation pour l’extraction de significations, Actes des 9e Journées internationales d’Analyse Statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT’2008), 725-732.
- Denhière, G., Lemaire, B., Bellissens, C., Jhean-Larose, S. (2007). A semantic space for modeling children’s semantic memory. In D. McNamara, T. Landauer, S. Dennis, W. Kintsch (Eds). The Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 143-165.
- Lemaire, B., Denhière, B. (2006) Effects of High-Order Co-occurrences on Word Semantic Similarities. Current Psychology Letters – Behaviour, Brain and Cognition 18(1).
- Denhière G., Lemaire, B. (2004) A Computational Model of Children’s Semantic Memory, in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’2004), 297-302.
- Lemaire, B., Denhière, G. (2004) Incremental Construction of an Associative Network from a Corpus, in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’2004), 825-830.
- Lemaire B., Dessus P. (2003) Modèles cognitifs issus de l’Analyse de la sémantique latente. Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives 1(1), 55-74.
- Lemaire B. (1998). Models of high-dimensional semantic spaces. 4th International Conference on Multistrategy Learning (MSL’98 ). Desenzano (Italie), juin 1998.
Models of text comprehension and summarization (2001 – 2006)
- Lemaire, B., Denhière, G., Bellissens, C., Jhean-Larose, S. (2006) A Computational Model for Simulating Text Comprehension. Behavior Research Methods 38(4), 628-637
- Mandin, S., Dessus, P. & Lemaire, B. (2006). Comprendre pour résumer, résumer pour comprendre. In P. Dessus & E. Gentaz (Eds.), Apprentissages et enseignement : sciences cognitives et éducation, Dunod, 107-122.
- Lemaire, B., Mandin, S., Dessus, P. & Denhière, G. (2005) Computational cognitive models of summarization assessment skills, in Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’ 2005). Stresa, Italy, July 21-23, 1266-1271.
- Mandin, S., Dessus, P., Lemaire, B. & Bianco, M. (2005). Un EIAH d’aide à la production de résumés de textes. In P. Tchounikine, M. Joab, & L. Trouche (Eds.), Actes de la conférence EIAH 2005 (pp. 69–80).
- Denhière G., Lemaire, B., Bellissens C., Jhean-Larose, S. (2004) Psychologie cognitive et compréhension de texte : une démarche théorique et expérimentale. In S. Porhiel, D. Klinger (Eds) L’unité texte, Pleyben : Perspectives, 74-95.
- Lemaire B., Bianco M. (2003) Contextual Effects on Metaphor Comprehension: Experiment and Simulation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling (ICCM’2003) , 153-158.
- Lemaire B., Bianco M., Noveck I., Sylvestre E. (2001) Un modèle de compréhension de textes fondé sur l’analyse de la sémantique latente. In H. Paugam-Moisy, V. Nyckees, J. Caron-Pargue (Eds), La cognition entre individu et société (actes du colloque ARCo’2001), Hermès, 309-320.
Models of text assessment and educational applications (1991 – 2011)
- Dessus, P., Lemaire, B., Loiseau, M., Mandin, S., Villiot-Leclercq, E. & Zampa, V. (2011). Automated free-text assessment: Some lessons learned. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 21(2/3), 140-154.
- Mandin, S., Dessus, P., & Lemaire, B. (2005). Effet d’un feedback informatif sur la prise de notes dans un environnement informatisé d’apprentissage. Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Education et la Formation, 12, 9-33.
- Dessus, P., & Lemaire, B. (2004). Assistance informatique à la correction de copies. In E. Gentaz. & P. Dessus (Eds.) Comprendre les apprentissages : sciences cognitives et éducation. Dunod, 205-220.
- Gounon P., Lemaire B. (2002) Semantic Comparison of Texts for Learning Environments. In F.J. Garijo , J. C. Riquelme Santos, M. Toro (Eds): Advances in Artificial Intelligence – IBERAMIA 2002, Berlin: Springer Verlag LNCS 2527, 724-733.
- Dessus P, Lemaire B. (2002) Using Production to Assess Learning: an ILE that Fosters Self-Regulated Learning. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS’2002), Berlin: Springer Verlag, LNCS 2363, 772-781.
- Zampa V., Lemaire B. (2002) Latent Semantic Analysis for Student Modeling, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Special Issue on Education Applications, 18(1), 15-30.
- Lemaire B., Dessus P. (2001) A system to assess the Semantic Content of Student Essays. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 24(3), 305-320.
- Dessus, P., Lemaire, B., Vernier, A. (2000) Free-text assessment in a Virtual Campus. Third International Conference on Human-Learning System (CAPS’2000) . Paris: Europia, 61-76.
- Dessus P., Lemaire B. (1999). Apex, un système d’aide à la préparation d’examens, Sciences et Techniques Educatives, 6(2), 409-415.
- Lemaire B. (1999). Tutoring Systems based on Latent Semantic Analysis. 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’99), Le Mans, published In S.P. Lajoie and M. Vivet (Eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education, Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence and Applications , Vol. 50, 527-534.
- Dessus P., Lemaire B. (1999). La technologie des médias joue-t-elle un rôle dans la transmission des connaissances ? In S. Agostinelli (Ed.). Comment penser la communication des connaissances, du CD-ROM à l’internet. 253-264, Paris: L’Harmattan.
- Höök K., Karlgren J., Waern A., Dahlbäck N., Jansson C., Karlgren K., Lemaire B. (1998). A Glass Box Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia. In Brusilovski P., Kobsa A., Vassileva J. (eds) Adaptative Hypertext and Hypermedia. Dordrecht: Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Lemaire B., Dessus P., Baillé (1998). The Teacher Discourse at a Distance: Lexical, Morphosyntactical, and Pragmatic Aspects. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications 4-4, AACE, 367-380.
- Dessus P., Lemaire B., Baillé J. (1997 ). Etudes expérimentales sur l’enseignement à distance. Sciences et Techniques Educatives , 4-2, 137-164.
- Lemaire B., Marquet P., Baillé J. (1997 ). Etude comparative du discours d’un enseignant et du comportement des enseignants en situation de cours traditionnel et d’enseignement à distance informatisé. Carrefour de l’éducation , 3, 76-91.
- Moore J.D., Lemaire B., Rosenblum J.A. (1996). Discourse Generation for Instructional Applications: Identifying and Exploiting Relevant Prior Explanations. The Journal of the Learning Sciences , 5-1, 49-94.
- Lemaire B., Marquet P., Baillé J. (1996) Comparative analysis of teacher’s discourse and students’ behaviour in traditional and distance lectures. In Carlson, Makedon (eds) Proceedings of the ED-TELECOM’96 ConferencCE, 167-172.
- Lemaire B (1996) Quelle forme pour l’explication ? In Baron et Tchounikine (eds) Actes de la journée commune des groupes Explication et E.I.A.O. du PRC-GDR Intelligence Artificielle , Rapport 96/33 du LAFORIA, Université Paris 6.
- Baker M., Charnay L., Joab M., Lemaire B., Safar B., Schlienger D (1996). Incorporating functionalities of expert medical critiquing dialogues in the design of a graphical interface. In Brause (ed) Proceedings of the International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence.
- Lemaire B., Safar B., Yonnet C. (1996). L’acquisition des connaissances d’explication. In Acquisition et ingénierie des connaissances – tendances actuelles . Cépaduès Editions, 367-384.
- Höök K., Karlgren J., Waern A., Dahlbäck N., Jansson C., Karlgren K., Lemaire B. (1996) A Glass Box Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia. User Modelling and User-Adaptated Interaction, 6, 157-184.
- Baker M., Charnay L., Gréboval M.-H., Joab M., Lemaire B., Safar B., Schlienger D (1996). Conception d’une interface de discussion d’un diagnostic médical intégrant l’explication, l’argumentation et la négociation. In Joab (ed) In Actes des journées Explication du PRC-GDR Intelligence Artificielle.
- Lemaire B.. (1995). Le recours aux capacités de la machine dans la modélisation de l’interaction didactique. In Environnements Interactifs d’Apprentissage avec Ordinateur – tome 2, 101-112. Eyrolles.
- Lemaire B., Moore J. (1994) An Improved Interface for Tutorial Dialogues. In Proceedings of the Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference (CHI’94), ACM.
- Lemaire B. (1994). Analyse de corpus pour une auto-explication visuelle. In Actes du colloque Modélisations d’explications sur un corpus de dialogues. Rapport TELECOM Paris 94 S 003, 121-128.
- Höök K., Bladh M., Karlgren J., Lemaire B., Waern A. (1994 ) Intelligent design of help rather than intelligent help. Presented at a SIG meeting during the International Conference on User Modelling (UM’94) , Hyannis, USA, August 1994.
- Lemaire B. (1993) Explanation architectures need opportunistic reasoning: justification and proposal. Vivek – a Quarterly for Artificial Intelligence , 6(2), 3-7.
- Lemaire, B. (1992) Hypothetical reasoning within the blackboard model for constructing explanations. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’92), 244-248, Vienna, Austria.
- Lemaire, B. (1992) Construction d’explications : utilisation d’une architecture de tableau noir, In Actes des 4e journées nationales du PRC-GDR Intelligence Artificielle, Marseille.
- Lemaire, B. (1992) Aspects constructifs de la production d’une explication, In Actes des 2e journées Explication du PRC-GDR Intelligence Artificielle, 165-178, Sophia-Antipolis.
- Lemaire B., Safar, B. (1991) Some Necessary Features for Explanation Planning Architectures: Study and Proposal, In Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Comparative Analysis of Explanation Planning Architectures , 15-26, Anaheim, U.S.A.
- Lemaire, B. (1991). Esmeralda : une architecture pour construire une explication par coopération de connaissances, In Actes de la 11e conférence internationale sur les systèmes experts et leurs applications (Avignon’91) .
- Lemaire B., Safar, B (1991) An Architecture for Representing Explanatory Reasoning, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Modeling and Expertise Transfer (KMET’91), Nice.
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