Directrice de recherche (CNRS)
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Vision et Emotion

Thèmes de recherche
Research interests
My research activity aims to study by a multidisciplinary approach (psychophysics, oculomotricity, neuroimaging, neuropsychology, ophthalmology) the neurocognitive mechanisms of visual perception. At a theoretical level, it allows me to propose a neurocognitive model of scene recognition, which integrates a retinotopic and hemispheric processing of spatial frequencies, and considers the fundamental role of peripheral vision. This research leads to clinical applications and perspectives of valorization in the field of diagnosis. For example, in ophthalmological diseases, such as AMD or glaucoma, we show that retinal damage is accompanied by functional brain changes inducing visual deficits in areas of the visual field considered as intact by perimetry of the visual field.
- Partner ANR - ReViS-MD (2021-2024)
- CDP NeuroCoG IDEX UGA - EyeCoG (2018-2020)
- AGIR Pole CBS Université Grenoble Alpes - ReCorAge (2017-2020)
- ANR “Jeunes Chercheurs” - RECOR (2012-2016)
- Cible 2012 Rhône-Alpes (2012-2015)
- SFR “Santé & Société” - EVALONG-DMLA (2013-2014)
- Pôle Grenoble Cognition - Dynascenes (2011-2012)
- Cluster 11 HVN Rhône-Alpes - DMLA (2009-2012)
Post-doctoral student
- Louise Kauffmann : Post-doctoral fellowship at GIPSA-lab and LPNC
Title : EyeCoG - Eye movements as multidimensional signatures of cognitive and cerebral (dys)functioning - CDP NeuroCoG IDEX UGA (mars 2018 – septembre 2019)
Doctoral students
- Eva Aprile : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Nathalie Guyader (Grenoble) ; Titre : Étude des mécanismes prédictifs impliqués dans l’orientation du regard (début : octobre 2023)
- Clara Carrez-Corral : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Louise Kauffmann (Grenoble) ; Titre : Etude de l'influence des processus prédictifs sur la perception visuelle (début : octobre 2023)
- Cynthia Faurite : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Benoit Cottereau (Toulouse) ; Titre : Réorganisation des capacités visuo-cognitives chez des patients atteints de Dégénérescence Maculaire (début : octobre 2022)
2ème prix du meilleur poster de la Journée scientifique de l’EDISCE (UGA) - Pauline Rossel : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Louise Kauffmann (Grenoble) ; Titre : Etude de l’influence des processus prédictifs sur la perception visuelle (début : octobre 2020)
- Audrey Trouilloud : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble) ; Titre : Étude de la contribution de la vision centrale et de la vision périphérique lors de la catégorisation de scènes - Defended on 7th December 2021
- Alexia Roux-Sibilon : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble). ; Titre : Déficits, adaptation et réorganisation fonctionnelle cérébrale des traitements visuels rétinotopiques au cours du vieillissement normal et pathologique - Defended on 10th July 2020
Prix de thèse 2021 de l’Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) - Stephen Ramanoël : PhD thesis at LPNC and GIN (Grenoble), co-advisor : Michel Dojat ; Titre : Etude du traitement visuel rétinotopique des fréquences spatiales de scènes et plasticité cérébrale au cours du vieillissement normal et pathologique - Defended on 4th December 2015
Prix de thèse 2016 de la Société Française de Résonance Magnétique en Biologie et Médecine (SFRMBM) - Louise Kauffmann : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Alan Chauvin ; Title : Mécanismes et bases cérébrales du traitement des fréquences spatiales lors de la catégorisation de scènes visuelles - Defended on 4th November 2015
Prix de thèse 2016 de la Société Française de Résonance Magnétique en Biologie et Médecine (SFRMBM) - Benoit Musel : PhD thesis at LPNC (Grenoble), co-advisor : Sylvie Chokron ; Titre : Adaptation, plasticité et réorganisation fonctionnelle cérébrale de la perception visuelle chez les patients atteints de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) - Defended on 3rd December 2012
- Visual cognition with aging and ocular pathologies (M2 Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences, Universities of Grenoble, Lyon and Toulouse)
- Neuroimaging methods applied to Cognitive Sciences (M2R, Cognitive Science, UGA, Grenoble)
- Research ethics (M2R Psychology, M2R Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences, M2 Cognitive Sciences, UGA, Grenoble ; M1 Psychology University of Lyon)
- Visual perception and Aging (Undergraduate, M1 Cognitive Psychology, University Paris-Descartes, Paris)
- Visual perception (Undergraduate, L3 Cognitive Psychology, UGA, Grenoble)
Curriculum vitae
Directrice de recherche de 1ère classe, CNRS
2012 HDR en Psychologie, UPMF, Grenoble, France
2003 Doctorat de Psychologie Cognitive, UPMF, Grenoble, France
Chevalière de l’Ordre National du Mérite (2016)
Médaille de Bronze du CNRS (2015)
Prix la Recherche en Neurosciences (2014)
- Co-responsalbe de l'Equipe Vision et Emotion (VisEmo) du LPNC
- Co-responsable du Master 2 Recherche Neuropsychologie et Neurosciences cliniques, UGA, Grenoble
- Membre du Bureau de la Fédération Française des Comités d'Ethique de la Recherche (FF-CER)
- 2020-2024 - Présidente du Comité d’éthique pour la recherche, Grenoble Alpes (CERGA, ex-CERNI)
- 2011-2022 : Responsable de l'Equipe Vision et Emotion (VisEmo) du LPNC
- 2013-2022 : Membre du comité de Direction du LPNC (CNRS UMR 5105)
- 2017-2020 : Membre du Comité Stratégique du projet NeuroCoG labélisé IDEX-UGA
- 2015-2020 : Adjointe à la direction du Pôle Grenoble Cognition (FR3381 CNRS, UGA, G-INP)
- 2016-2018 : Elue au Conseil Académique de la COMUE Université Grenoble Alpes
- 2008-2015 : Membre du Comité Plénier ARC 2 Qualité de Vie et Vieillissement Région Rhône-Alpes (Co-responsable Axe 1b - Handicap)
Research Gate :
Peer-reviewed articles
- Boucart, M., Lenoble, Q., & Peyrin, C. (2024). Age Difference on the Spatial Scale of Object Categorization. Experimental Aging Research, 1–12.
- Doucet, G., Kruse, J. A., Hamlin, N., Peyrin, C., & Poirel, N. (2024). Neural correlates underlying local and global processing during visual search across adulthood. PloS one, 19(6), e0303796.
- Faurite, C., Aprile, E., Kauffmann, L., Mermillod, M., Gallice, M., Chiquet, C., Cottereau, B. R., & Peyrin, C. (2024). Interaction between central and peripheral vision: Influence of distance and spatial frequencies. Journal of vision, 24(1), 3.
- Entzmann, L., Guyader, N., Kauffmann, L., Peyrin, C., & Mermillod, M. (2023). Detection of emotional faces: The role of spatial frequencies and local features. Vision Research, 211, 108281.
- Roux-Sibilon, A., Peyrin, C., Greenwood, J. A., & Goffaux, V. (2023). Radial bias in face identification. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 290(2001), 20231118.
- Rossel, P., Peyrin, C., & Kauffmann, L. (2023). Subjective perception of objects depends on the interaction between the validity of context-based expectations and signal reliability. Vision Research, 206, 108191. Advance online publication.
- Bollen, Z., Kauffmann, L., Guyader, N., Peyrin, C., & Maurage, P. (2023). Does alcohol automatically capture drinkers' attention? Exploration through an eye-tracking saccadic choice task. Psychopharmacology, 240(2), 271–282.
- Trouilloud, A., Ferry, E., Boucart, M., Kauffmann, L., Warniez, A., Rouland, J. F., & Peyrin, C. (2023). Impact of glaucoma on the spatial frequency processing of scenes in central vision. Visual neuroscience, 40, E001.
- Mermillod, M., Perrier, M. J. R., Lacroix, A., Kauffmann, L., Peyrin, C., Méot, A., Vermeulen, N., & Dutheil, F. (2022). High spatial frequencies disrupt conscious visual recognition: evidence from an attentional blink paradigm. Heliyon, 8(12), e11964.
- Trouilloud, A., Rossel., P., Faurite, C. Roux-Sibilon, A., Kauffmann, L., & Peyrin, C. (2022). Influence of physical features from peripheral vision on scene categorization in central vision. Visual Cognition, 30:6, 425-442.
- Rossel, P., Peyrin, C., Roux-Sibilon, A., & Kauffmann, L. (2022). It makes sense, so I see it better! Contextual information about the visual environment increases its perceived sharpness. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 48(4), 331–350.
- Lacroix, A., Dutheil, F., Logemann, A., Cserjesi, R., Peyrin, C., Biro, B., Gomot, M., & Mermillod, M. (2021). Flexibility in autism during unpredictable shifts of socio-emotional stimuli: Investigation of group and sex differences. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 13623613211062776. Advance online publication.
- Entzmann, L., Guyader, N., Kauffmann, L., Lenouvel, J., Charles, C., Peyrin, C., Vuillaume, R., & Mermillod, M. (2021). The Role of Emotional Content and Perceptual Saliency During the Programming of Saccades Toward Faces. Cognitive science, 45(10), e13042.
- Peyrin, C., Roux-Sibilon, A., Trouilloud, A., Khazaz, S., Joly, M., Pichat, C., Boucart, M., Krainik, A., & Kauffmann, L. (2021). Semantic and physical properties of peripheral vision are used for scene categorization in central vision. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(5), 799–813.
- Kauffmann, L., Khazaz, S., Peyrin, C., & Guyader, N. (2021). Holistic processing mediates involuntary but not ultra-rapid orienting responses toward faces. Journal of Vision, 21(2):4, 1-24.
- Kovarski, K., Caetta, F., Mermillod, M., Peyrin, C., Perez, C., Granjon, L., Delorme, R., Cartigny, A., Zalla, T., & Chokron, S. (2021). Emotional face recognition in autism and in cerebral visual impairments : In search for specificity. Journal of Neuropsychology, 15(2), 235-252. Epub 2020.
- Stievenard, A., Rouland, J.F., Peyrin, C., Warniez, A., & Boucart, M. (2021). Sensitivity to central crowding for faces in patients with glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma, 30(2),140-147.
- Orliac, F., Borst, G., Simon, G., Mevel, K., Vidal, J., Dolfus, S., Houdé, O., Peyrin, C., & Poirel, N. (2020). Cortical Thickness and Natural Scene Recognition in the Child’s Brain. Brain Sciences, 10(6), 329.
- Trouilloud, A., Kauffmann, L., Roux-Sibilon, A., Rossel, P., Boucart, M., Mermillod, M., & Peyrin, C. (2020). Rapid scene categorization : From coarse peripheral vision to fine central vision. Vision Research, 170, 60-72.
- Roux-Sibilon, A., Trouilloud, A., Kauffmann, L., Guyader, N., Mermillod, M., & Peyrin, C. (2019). Influence of peripheral vision on object categorization in central vision. Journal of Vision, 19(14):7, 1-16.
- Kauffmann, L., Peyrin, C., Chauvin, A., Entzmann, L., Breuil, C., Guyader, N. (2019). Face stimuli influence the programming of eye movements. Scientific reports, 9(1):560.
- Mermillod, M., Bourrier, Y., David, E., Kauffmann, L., Chauvin, A., Guyader, N., Dutheil, F., & Peyrin, C. (2019). The importance of recurrent top-down synaptic connections to anticipation of dynamic emotional expressions. Neural Network, 109, 19-30.
- Chokron, S., Peyrin, C., & Perez, C. (2019). Ipsilesionnal deficit of selective attention in left homonymous hemianopia and left unilateral spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, 108, 305-314.
- Schafer, A., Rouland, J. F., Peyrin, C., Szaffarczyk, S., & Boucart, M. (2018). Glaucoma Affects Viewing Distance for Recognition of Sex and Facial Expression. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 59(12), 4921-4928.
- Hoyau, E., Roux-Sibilon, A., Boudiaf, N., Pichat, C., Cousin, E., Krainik, A., Peyrin, C., & Baciu, M. (2018). Aging increases fronto-temporal cortical interactions during lexical production. A dynamic causal modeling study. Brain and Language, 184, 11-19.
- Ramanoël, S., Chokron, S., Hera, R., Kauffmann, L., Chiquet, C., Krainik, A., & Peyrin, C. (2018). Age-related macular degeneration changes the perception of scenes in the brain. Visual Neuroscience, 35:E006.
- Roux-Sibilon, A., Kalenine, S., Pichat, C., &, Peyrin, C. (2018). Dorsal and ventral stream contribution to the paired-object affordance effect. Neuropsychologia, 112, 125-134.
- Roux-Sibilon, A., Rutgé, F., Aptel, F., Attye, A., Guyader, N., Boucart, M., Chiquet, C., & Peyrin, C. (2018). Scene and human face recognition in the central vision of patients with glaucoma. PLoS One, 13(2):e0193465.
- Tissier, C., Linzarini, A., Allaire-Duquette, G., Mevel, K., Poirel, N., Dollfus, S., Etard, O., Orlian, F., Peyrin, C., Charron, S, Houdé, O., Borst, G, & Cachia, A. (2018) Sulcal polymorphisms of the IFC and ACC contribute to inhibitory control variability in children and adults. eNeuro, 5(1).
- Attye, A., Jean, C., Remond, P., Peyrin, C., Lecler, A., Boudiaf, N., Aptel, F., Chiquet, C., Lamalle, L., & Krainik, A. (2018). Ischemic optic neuropathy : Using Track-Weighted Imaging to detect changes in the neuroretina. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 48(3), 737–747.
- Kauffmann, L., Roux-Sibilon, A., Beffara, B., Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., & Peyrin, C. (2017). How does information from low and high spatial frequencies interact during scene categorization? Visual Cognition, 25, 853-867.
- Guyader, N., Chauvin, A., Boucart, M., & Peyrin, C. (2017). Do low spatial frequencies explain the extremely fast saccades towards human faces ? Vision Research, 133, 100-111.
- Peyrin, C., Ramanoël, S., Roux-Sibilon, A., Chokron, S., & Hera, R. (2017). Scene perception in age-related macular degeneration : Effect of spatial frequencies and contrast in residual vision. Vision Research, 130, 36-47.
- Chokron, S., Perez, C., & Peyrin, C. (2016). Behavioral consequences and cortical reorganization in homonymous hemianopia. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 10:57.
- Campagne, A., Fradcourt, B., Baciu, M., Pichat, C., Kauffmann, L., & Peyrin, C. (2016). Cerebral correlates of emotional and motivational appraisals during visual processing of emotional scenes depending on spatial frequency : A pilot study. PLoS One, 12 ;11(1):e0144393.
- Kauffmann, L., Bourgin, J., Guyader, N., & Peyrin, C. (2015). The neural bases of the semantic interference of spatial frequency-based information in scenes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(12), 2394-2405.
- Ramanoël, S., Kauffmann, L., Dojat, M., Cousin, E., & Peyrin, C. (2015). Age-related differences in spatial frequency processing during scene categorization. PLoS One, 10(8):e0134554.
- Kauffmann, L., Chauvin, A., Pichat, C., & Peyrin, C. (2015). Effective connectivity in the neural network underlying coarse-to-fine categorization of visual scenes. A dynamic causal modeling study. Brain and Cognition, 99, 46-56. doi :
- Cavézian, C., Perez, C., Peyrin, C., Gaudry, I., Obadia, M., Gout, O., & Chokron, S. (2015). Hemisphere-dependant ipsilesional deficits in hemianopia : Sightblindness in the ‘intact’ visual field. Cortex, 69, 166-174.
- Kauffmann, L., Ramanoël, S., Guyader, N., Chauvin, A., & Peyrin, C. (2015). Spatial frequency Processing in scene-selective cortical regions. NeuroImage, 112, 86-95.
- Kauffmann, L., Chauvin, A., Guyader, N., & Peyrin, C. (2015). Rapid scene categorization : Role of spatial frequency order, accumulation and luminance contrast. Vision Research, 107, 49-57.
- Lobier, M., Peyrin, C., Pichat, C., Le Bas, J.F., & Valdois, S. (2014). Visual processing of multiple elements in the dyslexic brain : Evidence for a double dysfunction of parietal and occipito-temporal cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:479.
- Kauffmann, L., Ramanoël, S., & Peyrin, C. (2014). The neural bases of spatial frequency processing during scene perception. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 8:37.
- Musel, B., Kauffmann, L., Ramanoël, S., Giavarini, C., Guyader, N., Chauvin, A., & Peyrin, C. (2014). Coarse-to-Fine categorization of visual scenes in scene-selective cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26 (10), 2287-2297.
- Valdois, S., Peyrin, C., Lassus-Sangosse, D., Lallier, M., Démonet, J.F., Kandel, S. (2014). Dyslexia in a French-Spanish bilingual girl : Behavioural and Neural modulations following a visual attention span intervention. Cortex, 53, 120-145.
- Fradcourt, B., Peyrin, C., Baciu, M., Campagne, A. (2013). Behavioral assessment of emotional and motivational appraisal during visual processing of emotional scenes depending on spatial frequencies. Brain and Cognition, 83 (1), 104-113.
- Peyrin, C. (2013). Les détails ne nous sautent pas aux yeux. La Recherche, 477, 80-82.
- Musel, B., Bordier, C., Dojat, M., Pichat, C., Chokron, S., Le Bas, J.F., & Peyrin, C. (2013). Retinotopic and lateralized processing of spatial frequencies in human visual cortex during scene categorization. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25 (8), 1315-1331.
- Reilhac, C., Peyrin, C., Démonet, J.F., & Valdois, S. (2013). Role of the superior parietal lobules in letter identity processing within strings : FMRI evidence from skilled and dyslexic readers. Neuropsychologia, 51 (4), 601-612.
- Perez, C., Peyrin, C., Cavézian, C., Cousin, E., Coubard, O., Raz, N., Levin, N., Doucet, G., Andersson, F., Obadia, M., Gout, O., Héran, F., Savatovsky, J., & Chokron, S. (2013). An fMRI investigation of the cortical network underlying detection and categorization abilities in hemianopic patients. Brain topography. 26 (2), 264-277.
- Musel, B., Chauvin, A., Guyader, N., Chokron, S., & Peyrin, C. (2012). Is coarse-to-fine strategy sensitive to normal aging ? PLoS One, 7 (6) : e38493.
- Lobier, M., Peyrin, C., Le Bas, J.F., & Valdois, S. (2012). Pre-orthographic character string processing and parietal cortex : A role for visual attention in reading ? Neuropsychologia, 50 (9), 2195-2204.
- Peyrin, C., Lallier, M., Démonet, J.F., Baciu, M., Pernet, C., Le Bas, J.F., & Valdois, S. (2012). Neural dissociation of phonological and visual attention span in developmental dyslexia : FMRI evidence from two case reports. Brain and Language, 120, 381-394.
- Musel, B., Hera, R., Chokron, S., Alleysson, D., Chiquet, C., Romanet, J.P., Guyader, N., & Peyrin, C. (2011). Residual abilities in age-related macular degeneration patients to process spatial frequencies during natural scenes categorization. Visual Neuroscience, 28, 529-541.
- Fautrelle, L., Pichat, C., Ricolfi, F., Peyrin, C., & Bonnetblanc, F. (2011). Catching falling objects : the role of the cerebellum in processing sensory-motor errors that may influence updating of feedforward commands. An fMRI study. Neuroscience, 190, 135-144.
- Peyrin, C., Démonet, J.F., N’guyen-Morel, M.A., Le Bas, J.F., & Valdois, S. (2011). Superior parietal lobules dysfunction in a homogeneous group of dyslexic children with a visual attention span disorder. Brain and Language, 118 (3), 128-138.
- Coubard, O. A., Perez, C., Kazandjian, S., Gaudry, I., Marendaz, C., Guyader, N., Peyrin, C., & Chokron, S. (2011). Visual demand and visual field presentation influence natural scene processing. Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 249 (2), 223-232.
- Peyrin, C., Michel, C., Schwartz, S., Seghier, M., Thut, G., Landis, T., Marendaz, C. & Vuilleumier, P. (2010). The neural substrates and timing of top-down processes during coarse-to-fine categorization of visual scenes : A combined fMRI and ERP study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 (12), 2768-2780.
- Cavézian, C., Gaudry, I., Perez, C., Coubard, O., Doucet, G., Peyrin, C., Marendaz, C., Obadia, M., Gout, O., & Chokron, S. (2010). Specific impairments in visual processing following lesion side in hemianopic patients. Cortex, 46 (9), 1123-1131.
- Perez, C., Cavézian, C., Peyrin, C., Coubard, O., Doucet, G., Andersson, F., Gout, O., Savatovsky, J., & Chokron, S. (2009). Plasticité des aires visuelles corticales après une lésion rétro-chiasmatique : approche en neuro-imagerie. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences cognitives et cliniques, 1(3), 1-7.
- Lallier, M., Thierry, G., Tainturier, M.J., Donnadieu, S., Peyrin, C., Billard, C., & Valdois, S. (2009). Auditory and visual stream segregation in children and adults : An assessment of the amodality assumption of the ’sluggish attentional shifting’ theory of dyslexia. Brain Research, 1302, 132-147.
- Kalénine, S., Peyrin, C., Pichat, C., Segebarth, C., Bonthoux, F. & Baciu, M. (2009). The sensory-motor specificity of taxonomic and thematic conceptual relations : A behavioral and fMRI study. Neuroimage, 44 (3), 1152-1162.
- Mermillod, M., Vuilleumier, P., Peyrin, C., Alleysson, D., & Marendaz, C. (2009). The Importance of Low Spatial Frequency Information for Recognizing Fearful Facial Expressions. Connection Science, 21 (1), 75-83.
- Rousset S., Peyrin C., Cousin E., Kandel S., Baussand V., Baciu M. (2009). Exploration de la spécialisation hémisphérique du traitement d’objets en utilisant un paradigme d’amorçage en champ visuel divisé. Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives, In Cognito, Vol 1, Nr.3.
- Cousin, E., Peyrin, C., Pichat, C., Lamalle, L., Le Bas, J.F. & Baciu, M. (2007). Functional MRI approach for assessing hemispheric predominance of regions activated by a phonological and a semantic task. European Journal of Radiology. 63 (2), 274-285.
- Peyrin, C., Mermillod, M., Chokron, S., & Marendaz, C. (2006). Effect of temporal constraints on hemispheric asymmetries during spatial frequency processing. Brain and Cognition. 62 (3), 214-220.
- Mermillod, M., Guyader, N., Peyrin, C., Alleysson, D., and Marendaz, C. (2006). Avantage computationnel de l’information de basse fréquence spatiale dans la reconnaissance d’expressions faciales de peur par un reseau de neurones artificiels. Cahiers Romans de Sciences Cognitives InCognito , 3 (1), 23-36.
- Cousin, E., Peyrin, C. & Baciu, M. (2006). Hemispheric predominance assessment of phonology and semantics. A divided visual field experiment. Brain and Cognition, 61 (3), 298-304.
- Valdois, S., Carbonnel, S., Juphard, A., Baciu, M., Ans, B., Peyrin, C. & Segebarth, C. (2006). Polysyllabic pseudo-word processing in reading and lexical decision : Converging evidence from behavioural data, simulations and functional MRI. Brain Research. 1085 (1), 149-162.
- Peyrin, C., Chokron, S., Guyader, N., Gout, O., Moret, J. & Marendaz, C. (2006). Neural correlates of spatial frequency processing : A neuropsychological approach. Brain Research, 1073-1074, 1-10.
- Peyrin, C., Schwartz, S., Seghier, M., Michel, C., Landis, T., & Vuilleumier, P. (2005). Hemispheric specialization of human inferior temporal cortex during coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse analysis of natural visual scenes. NeuroImage, 28 (2), 464-473.
- Ballaz, C., Boutsen, L., Peyrin, C., Humphreys, G. W. & Marendaz, C. (2005). Visual search for object orientation can be modulated by canonical orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and Performance, 31 (1), 20-39.
- Peyrin, C., Baciu, M., Segebarth, C., & Marendaz, C. (2004). Cerebral Regions and Hemispheric Specialization for Processing Spatial Frequencies during Natural Scene Recognition. An Event-Related fMRI Study. NeuroImage, 23 (2), 697-706.
- Guyader, N., Chauvin, A., Peyrin, C., Hérault, J., & Marendaz, C. (2004). Image phase or amplitude ? Rapid scene categorization is an amplitude based process. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 327 (4), 313-318.
- Peyrin, C., Chauvin, A., Chokron, S., & Marendaz, C. (2003). Hemispheric specialization for spatial frequency processing in the analysis of natural scenes. Brain and Cognition, 53 (2), 278-282.
- Ballaz, C., Chauvin, A., Marendaz, C., & Peyrin, C. (2001). L’orientation canonique comme déterminant de la saillance perceptive. Incognito, 22, 37-46
Informations complémentaires
Ethics in Research
- President of CERGA (Comité d’éthique pour la recherche, Grenoble Alpes ; ex-CERNI); Co-founding member (2010)
- Member of "Fédération des Comités d'Ethique de la Recherhce Instituionnels",; Co-founding member (2018)
- Qualified to the Good Clinical Practice of ICH E6 (R2) - TransCelerate Certification in France
Histoire et fonctionnement du CERGA - Journée d'étude de la SFR Santé & Société de l'UGA (21 octobre 2022)
Webinaire Ethique et protection des données en recherche (3 février 2021)
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